Wtf I wanna enlist now?

Wtf I wanna enlist now?

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imagine fighting for the US government

Don't watch the second half

War is actually... le fun?

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they were drafted, joker was the only one that enlisted which makes to movie bogus, because enlisted went to Germany while conscripted went to Vietnam.

Marines weren't in Germany, Army and Air force were defending the Fulda gap.

you become homeless with ptsd for lulz xd

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Is your first name Lawrence?

Do you understand how pathetic that makes you?

you crave belonging and structure. Join a frat.

That's nice too but I want to get toughened up physically and mentally, and learn responsibility and competence.
Is it a good idea to enlist then, just for basic recruit training? You're released after like a year, right?

>That's nice too but I want to get toughened up physically and mentally, and learn responsibility and competence.
Then why would you join the military?

Isn't that what it is?
Basically you learn a lot of useful skills like learning to defend yourself and handling a firearm, also money, education etc. etc.

20 years ago, it's basically a baby sitter for adult children now.

Don’t listen to these meme-big redditors.
The army is like anywhere else.
What you do will determine if it was worth it.
Marines and particularly recon is legit tough. Now that we’ve finally pulled out of Afghanistan marines might get to do real shit again.
If you make it into greens, airborne rangers, delta or seals, you will definitely get your moneys worth.

You will be disappointed. Bootcamp is NOTHING like this now, especially in the air force. You learn more about rolling t-shirts and being told to not rape or kill yourself over and over until you graduate. Even the PT was a joke.

lol this was true decades ago. Now its daycare for a few months. You learn to not rape or kill yourself and how to wear your uniform and occasionally run and do pushups but even that is strictly monitored so they push you too hard.

>learn not to rape or kill yourself
what do you mean by that
and are you guys talking about american military or in general? I live in western europe.

So the training is not even remotely close to what is shown in say, FMJ, Jarhead, Band of Brothers, Hacksaw or anything like that?

Yes America. Basically the military now is all about PR and looking good. Women get raped in the military and obviously it looks bad. Living conditions aren't great in the military so a lot of people kill themselves. So now training is about preventing rape and suicides more than training for war.
Also because modern teens are soft as shit, most drill instructors can't cuss, or force PT on trainees because its considered "hazing" or harsh treatment.

good goy

>shows the worst part of military service outside of a wartime environment
If basic training sounds like fun to you then enlist away.