Germans - lol you nips are so backward for burning coal and oil. Here we give you Fossil of the Day Award. Step up...

> Germans - lol you nips are so backward for burning coal and oil. Here we give you Fossil of the Day Award. Step up, nips.
> Russia invades Ukraine
> Germans - Nooooo! You can't stop the gas supply! Nooo! Our life will be back to premodern times!

Why are Germans like this?
Are they going to burn people in gas chambers again?

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germans are our pet dogs so they will do anything we tell them to. we told them to boycott russia and now they are going to be starving and freezing to death this winter while their masters in america are still driving around in gas guzzling SUVs eating fast food kek its good to be american

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>LARGE OCTOPUS: My wish comes true at last, this day of days; finally I have you in my grasp! Your “bobo” is ripe and full, how wonderful! Superior to all others! To suck and suck and suck some more. After we do it masterfully, I’ll guide you to the Dragon Palace of the Sea God and envelop you. “Zuu sufu sufu chyu chyu chyu tsu zuu fufufuuu…”

>MAIDEN: You hateful octopus! Your sucking at the mouth of my womb makes me gasp for breath! Aah! yes… it’s…there!!! With the sucker, the sucker!! Inside, squiggle, squiggle, oooh! Oooh, good, oooh good! There, there! Theeeeere! Goood! Whew! Aah! Good, good, aaaaaaaaaah! Not yet! Until now it was I that men called an octopus! An octopus! Ooh! Whew! How are you able…!? Ooh! “yoyoyooh, saa… hicha hicha gucha gucha, yuchyuu chyu guzu guzu suu suuu….”

>LARGE OCTOPUS: All eight limbs to interwine with!! How do you like it this way? Ah, look! The inside has swollen, moistened by the warm waters of lust. “Nura nura doku doku doku…”

>MAIDEN: Yes, it tingles now; soon there will be no sensation at all left in my hips. Ooooooh! Boundaries and borders gone! I’ve vanished….!!!!!!

>SMALL OCTOPUS: After daddy finishes, I too want to rub and rub my suckers at the ridge of your furry place until you disappear and then I’ll suck some more. “chyu chyu..”

A German couple visited USA for travel and they entered a diner.

German husband - Two glasses of beer, please.
Waitress - Dry?
German husband - Nein! Zwei !

Asians are the ones killing the world with climate change. China, Japan, India, Vietnam, Indonesia.

You are killing all of us and as usual you're too soulless, callous and evil to care

Why Americans are so evil?

Natural resources are largely occupied by westerners. I don't think Asians are the ones killing the world.

Holy based

I kneel.

Kishida what?
Kishi daz nutz

You're the manufacturers creating the demand for natural resources, fuck off fossil

Nah we're pretty fucked ourselves, we need to be more like the UK and less like the Americans.

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The world does need the manufacturers.
If we don't manufacture, who would manufacture the stuffs you need?

The funny thing is that China pollutes more than Japan does, and yet, they get no infamous award.

>per capita
Not a fair assessment
China produces far more pollution than us but their per capita is far lower because they have 2 BILLION people
Same with all Asians

Ours is higher because we have a mining economy that THEY demand, and we only have 25 million people

Basic maths
The fact that SKorea and Japan are almost where we are with more than 6x the population is scary

Add that to the fact that China lies about all of its stats and you get that chart

Don't fall for wumao propaganda

>not a single germ itt to own up to their stupid actions

Per capita is one of the fairest metric.

>why yes of course I fight with autistic retards from the other end of the world at 6:30 on a workday

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People think gas is clean energy. I think they're stupid. Gas is probably as dirty as coal and oil.