Be chilling with gf

>be chilling with gf
>african immigrants come up on tv
>she says how we should shoot their boats and let them drown
>mfw I'm dating a chudette
cherry on top is that im south american

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Damn, never met a chudette in person before

>>she says how we should shoot their boats and let them drown
I doubt she said this, but it would be cool to meet someone like this.

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I don't believe you for a goddamned second.

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She said verbatim: "Fucking government letting these people in, what we should do is shoot up their boats and leave them to drown to they get the hint they're not welcome".
We got into a small argument over it because I don't think killing people is a solution, but she didn't want to listen. I knew she was sort of conservative but I didn't know she was a chudette.

This is a true story from last night
>Be with gf
>Watching Schindler's List
>Finish the movie
>She now hates Jews more because "they didn't help out their own kind when they were hiding" and "all those jews could've helped Schindler more afterwards"
She is a Chudette too.

she's not a chudette if she's dating some sudaca negro, clearly

I dated two hapa chudettes who wanted me to call them slurs in the bedroom
I also broke it off with both because they were insane

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>mexican comes to pretend he's different from south americans even though they're indistinguishable from peruvians
ok bud

my mom once said that those gays killed in a gay club somehwere in america deserved this. didn't expect that from her

Based, are you the argie?

>>She now hates Jews more because "they didn't help out their own kind when they were hiding" and "all those jews could've helped Schindler more afterwards"
lmfao, I haven't heard my gf say anything about jews, maybe I should watch that movie with her, see if she's a Any Forumstier chudette or just a regular one

>because I don't think killing people is a solution
Killing is actually the final solution if all the other ways failed.

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Btw they usually sink their own boast to force European ships to rescue them

based, god I want to shoot all those chuds to death

but i'm right? your gf is not a chudette and you're just an attention whore?

vote green for more south american refugees

There's a spectra to being a chud

no there's not

idk how to feel really, she's a really sweet woman to those she loves, but her being a chudette is kind of uncomfortable

>you can't be a chud hating race X but liking race Y

how brown are you?

she only said that so you don't suspect she's cheating on you with a BBC refugee

yes, that is correct

ok retard
a man with a brain

Somewhat darker than the average spaniard, but not a lot. Close-ish to someone from North Africa.

>be me, talking to a qt 3.14 virgin tradcath I met on discord
>suddenly she stops talking about Blade Runner 2042 and looks me dead in the eyes
>"user, I really like you... But I don't think I could be with you unless you agree that we must secure a future for the white race and its children."
wtf bros? How could this have happened?

*Her pussy is super tight too btw

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Sounds like an autist desu
perfect match for you

btw this happened as I was also texting ryan gosling at the same time

It's funny because she's brown/olive skinned as well. Not even a white girl.

Need a woman like that in my life.