Attached: 1658177551068436.webm (320x568, 746.54K)

Sevakan aprats kenats

Germans did this with me when I went to Berlin. Really helped me understand how black people suffer.

Niggers have disgusting body odor, second only to alb*nians

Whites are only the race that would cater to niggers and treat them as human beings.

It's called the "gaijin seat." They do it to all foreigners.


I'd rather have all the bench for myself. Maybe take a little nap in horizontal

Japoids do this to every foreigner, it doesn't matter their race or skin color, stupid Balkan subhuman. Also, true Croatians love Black Queens, which means you're a Serbian faggot.

Maybe the negro should leave and go back to her own kind where she won't experience *racism*, then.

blacks need to realize it's not just wypipo that hate them

>she doesn't know about the gaijin seat

Are you female like pic related?

Attached: B75F5AAB-56F7-4501-8E9D-68CC387AF380.jpg (587x967, 442.47K)

Fill in the blanks for me here:
The cunt thinks
>having more space, leg room, privacy is LE BAD
>strangers whom I will likely never see again avoiding me is LE BAD
The japs think
>giving gaijins more space, leg room, privacy is LE _______?

le monke

Built for BBC

The entire seat just for me? Sounds great

Shut the fuck up hirvat rat. A croatian in this country will receive a punch from me for your words

You never sit next to someone you don't know. Especially when you use public transportation. It's a known fact.

Attached: Femski.jpg (1080x1080, 185.64K)

I don't get. There is clearly someone sitting next to her and on the other side obviously nobody can sit. They just don't want to be crammed on the seats

Every nipponese milf in a 5 mile radius would fight to sit on my BWC as soon as I sit down

Do nogs have any other trait to base their personality on other than the 'racism' they receive?