Eurofags literally dying over 45°c heat

>eurofags literally dying over 45°c heat

Are europeans really this weak? Thats a below average summer weather lol

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If it was 10 degrees hotter than normal in thine cunt you would probably complain about it too

brownpipo be like
>it's 15°c time to put on a jacket

>>eurofags literally dying over 45°c heat
>Are europeans really this weak? Thats a below average summer weather lol

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>below average summer weather
stop lying

wypipo cant take the spicy air


Not my problem

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I can't jerk off I suffer

Brazilians can talk shit when they stop walking around in jackets here when its 20c
Fucking weak bitches cant handle any cold


i do that

lmao is this really the only cope you could come up with

There was a pajeet in my office wearing jeans and a jacket today when it was 33c
That’s not right

Why are Russian schizos like this?


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If it was -25°C next winter in Brazil who would survive?

no I have a whole notebook of them

20° akshually

>over 45°c
Nigger even people in the middle east are dying at these temperatures
Above 30 degrees and i'm out this bitch

>There are pajeets in Italian offices
I'm at awe at the reach of my race

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There are tens of thousands of Bengalis in Rome, they run all the convenience stores in the city centre.

it was an irish flag kek