Is Paul Schrader right?

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People in the 60s and 70s didn't know what a blockbuster adventure crowd pleaser was, so of course they would go out to see violent movies filled with despicable characters, full nudity and gore, it wasn't until Star Wars released that people got a taste that cinema doesn't have to be miserable, it can be filled with escapism and be just fun for all ages

You can hate that or not but that's just how it is, people enjoy being happy and escaping from the real world and their miserable lives

Probably true
Hollywood aims for an international audience for a lot of films so the scripts can’t have anything that would trigger censors (for China) or have anything that would be hard to translate into Spanish (for spics)

No and yes. He's right about the audiences. Some retards still claim that cinema is dead while consuming lowest common denominator factory made garbage. There are still interesting films being made but most people don't watch them. What's dying is the midbudget film. It was always hard to make arthouse films and the best arthouse filmmakers will always struggle for financing. Midbudget is going to shit because audiences dictate the market and the audiences are braindead from years of consuming dumb capeshit flicks. Still some midbudget directors exist like PTA, James Gray etc. Hollywood will never go back to the golden age when mainstream films were done by competent filmmakers who actually had a functioning brain like Chaplin, Ford, Hawks, Minnelli etc.
So Chaplin, Walt Disney films weren't fun for all ages?

>oh no nobody is watching my lefty propaganda anymore!
cry harder bitch. maybe you took your drooling audiences for granted. you should be grateful they even watched your "muh women liberation" films in the 70s at all to begin with.

I'd rather watch Dog Day Afternoon than Star Wars, escapism is a genre for people with no future. I'd rather watch somethig real becase I'm not afraid of it.

Okay mr big boy pants

The answer is always simpler,no social media and TV storytelling couldn't compete with movies.
Notice how the more houses were filled with different kinds of entertainment,more people's view of movies changed.
You may have read in the newspaper about vietnam and crime rates in NY so of course i would go watch Deer Hunter and French Connection.
Now i have instant news with HD quality in the palm of my hand.
What i don't have is fantasy which leads to the boom of caped crusaders in cinema

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If you use cinema only to make you happy and escape life you should try doing something about your life because it's probably fucking shit.

If you create art that no one sees, it's not really art. The point a work becomes art is when it finds an audience. You can't blame the audience you didn't find because it was your job to reach them.

>Now i have instant news with HD quality in the palm of my hand.
lmfao where? name one news source that isn't reality tv at this point.

>>oh no nobody is watching my lefty propaganda anymore!
They actually are. They're called Marvel movies.

People watch his films though, you have zero idea what art means.

You're mistaking art with entertainment. Being less popular doesn't mean something is not art.

So then why is this guy so upset?

>it's your fault my movie is bad

He's accident shitting on immigration.

Because it's not muh leftism that he cares about. It's good movies.

>all blockbusters are the greatest films ever made.
Not really.

>it's not us filmmakers who are letting you down, it's you audiences that are letting us down
These people blatantly shit on their audiences and then wonder why people don't want to get lectured by them anymore.
I really doubt that. He openly named lefty issues and about using movies to touch on those issues like as if it's their job. He's just upset people have found out the trick. You can only exploit the goodwill of the audience for too long.

He's right
fucking retard, they are literally American military propaganda

There has been comedies and action/comedies since forever though, you should stop talking about things you don't know anything about my capeshitter friend

No, he's right. The audiences are retarded. A great film like The Northman couldn't even made its money back meanwhile retarded capeshit like Multivere of Dogshit makes money on brand alone.

>fucking retard, they are literally American military propaganda
They can be both.

But I thought these people hate capitalism and don't care for greed? Why do they care if some other movie makes more money than theirs?

>they are literally American military propaganda
Literally no army in any of these movies, to the point it became a huge plothole. Like why are 7 cosplaying dudes defending manhattan from aliens where are the f16s and all that shit?

me when (((hollywood))) complains about me not watching their crap

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