How does it make you feel knowing you're spending your existence on the internet while other people your age in your...

How does it make you feel knowing you're spending your existence on the internet while other people your age in your country are getting married, having kids, acquiring their degrees and starting careers.

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I'm about to be a grandfather so I think I've earned my rest.

lol ok gramps

I'm actually not, I probably spent about one hour or so today

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I'm only 36, don't call me that.

I'm anti-natalist, It's for the greater good of humanities that I don't pass on my terrible genes

nothing. The same way it felt 10 years ago. Life isn't fair

I've made up with that fact a long time ago, I was never normal and don't even care to be anymore

I'm taking a shit right now. After that im gonna have breakfast and study for university. I think you're projecting your own fears and anxieties onto others. Just close the tab and touch grass. Its so easy.

I hate kids, women and working

>study for university.
It's July wtf

Everything is temporary. Everything is locked in perpetual discord of hatred that in the end, doesn't even matter. You live 100 years if you are lucky, a drop in the bucket. Social analysis has shown even our deepest values to be nothing but products of our time. The people who you love and who love you love for specific self-benefiting reasons. At the core, one cannot escape this.

No one can overcome this simple reality of life. I don't care what sort of philosophical system you create to cope with it. You are thrown into a world and doomed to die. All the coping strategies for such a thing are absurd. The amount of time you spend happy in life will be at the very least, less than the time you are spent feeling decent, if not much worse.

Every new pleasure you experience is another pleasure you will be spent wanting when you do not have it. Therefor, it is better to experience as little as possible and to give up even life itself. This is the harsh truth to which all noble men have arrived. There is nothing worth fighting for in the world. Nothing worth attaching oneself to.

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I have exams until mid August

it makes me feel sad, but then i realise im not american, so then i feel happy again

Based Arslan Khan

I hope you find Allah, and rid yourself of these depressing and self defeating thoughts.

Is that normal? Doesn't sound normal. Summers are for working and/or having fun.

The next semester doesnt start until 1.10 so ill have a little over a month of free time afterwards

I am not a k*an.

>Life is but a sport and a pastime
Even the Abrahamic religions reject the material world. Why lose yourself in the vanities of world when you have a God, the infinite, the perfect and the eternal?

My worldview is not depressing, it's realism you cope lord.

Wow, that seems like really bad scheduling. Your system is bad.

>i have a gf
>dont want kids atm
>i have two degrees
>i have a job now for 6y
and I'm here, so what is your excuse loser?

I have a degree and an on-track career, but as for not following the "usual" path more generally, I feel as though I'm escaping some form of damnation.
Speaks some truth, though I don't think what he's saying is as negative and pessimistic as he makes it sound. If the life the majority lead isn't for you, why would you bother trying to live it? You'd be miserable.