Why are they like this?

> be India
> your most important piece of architecture that makes people come from all around the world was built by a muslim emperor
> start chimping out and asking for it to be destroyed by hindus

what's with hindus nowadays, i thought that they were zen and stuff ?

Attached: taj mahal.jpg (1600x1000, 284.92K)

Only chudcels want it destroyed, others don't care

Thats Buddhists. Hindus literally had warrior classes and Catholic-tier Priestly ruling classes that kept subjects toeing the line.

Also Hindu myth is filled with wars n stuff.

All the third world is low IQ, but India is also autistic

if it wasnt for tourists that would be a designated pissing and abortion dumping pool.

>this thread again

muslims are chuds too
all churdifacts(artifacts made by cis chuds) must be destroyed

so true sis

french is shallow

>Same mamadou
>Same thread again

Attached: exhausted-tiresome.gif (640x474, 2.84M)

ok mehmet

>important piece of architecture that makes people come from all around the world was built by a muslim emperor

Muslims have no architecture....Its stolen from Byzantine architecture

>All the third world is low IQ, but India is also autistic
t. Ya araaabbb
I personelly am a very high IQ person (it's over 80, like 82)

Other than to see taj mahal, why would foreigner even want visit india

>french flag
>is a muesslime

>this thread

Attached: cagelaugh.jpg (625x446, 54.15K)

There are a BILLION other things to see in INDVA, dawg. Each province is vibrant and dynamic in its own way. Just stop being racist and see our beauty. #StopIndophobia

Why do turks keep shitting on islam to align with their master race? Islam is the only thing that made them relevant and likable by some thirdies

This complex concept is called having an identity other than religion

Attached: images (1).jpg (555x552, 52.37K)

The taj mahal is inferior to actual hindu architecture

Attached: Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple, India..jpg (1080x1350, 385.7K)

Because the Turkic race is superior to poosslam. You should learn a thing or two from you masters sewer rat