What is school lunch like in your country?

What is school lunch like in your country?

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never ate it


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They have retreated into the rural areas where there's no jobs, no healthcare, no infrastructure, no community, no political organization.

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Did anyone else have the same thing every day for years because they had failure parents and just assumed that to be normal?

By my calculations I have consumed over 1000 vegemite and cheese sandwiches

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I had the same thing every day back in elementary because I was a spastic kid who distrusted the cooking of others and forced my parents to prepare me lunch.

I didn't even eat fast-food until I was a teen.

When did you realize your parents were failures?

This is what Americans think French school lunches look like

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Disgusting fruit. Fruits are generally pretty disgusting, and vegetables too. I really don't like food at all except a fat steak

similar to hospital food

Some prison-like shit

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How is your vacation to Sweden going, Rodriquez Jackson?

99% of the time you'd pack your own lunch which was sandwiches. At school you could also buy some pretty mediocre sandwiches or buy a warm meal in a separate cafetaria. The warm meals looked like this, sort of cheap industrial kitchen stuff but pretty tasty.

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Buckwheat is the ultimate staple food too bad it's expensive as fuck here