Why have they never accomplished anything, ever?

Why have they never accomplished anything, ever?

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You tell me, Ahmed

I dunno Peri Peri was quite the acomplishment.

why are they like this?

brasilians INVENTED the AEROPLANE though

spaniard heritage, indios were pretty handy on their own

too busy doing siesta and enjoying the sunshine

so in the end moor rape ruined south america?

it's really crazy how speaking an iberophone language automatically makes you third world

Invest in here then retard

spanish / moor heritage

cringe thread

no you didn't get enough germanic blood

South Africans were the one to spread it through Nando's which isn't even a Portuguese chain lol.

they use the portugese cock as their logo, it's like unpaid cultural represntation

two great grandparents were german and swiss

Better than ruining the world any chance you get, from Arminius to Merkel, g*rm*ns are a plague unto this world

your whole country i mean
kek you're not even a real country

Maybe but they had literal ages to make a nice franchise out of it since Nando's was started in 1987.

Macao and Timor-leste will always feel weird to me.

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and the plant was originally a new world one before it came to Africa where it was both grown by people and in the wild.