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Brits visiting Spain edition

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Good morning. I was visited by the sleep paralysis demon last night for the first time.

Hello frens
Was it as bad as people say? I've never had sleep paralysis

To clarify, this was not the first time I've experienced something of this sort but in the past I've always been facing the wall and only felt a presence looming over me from behind. This time, it was different as I was laying on my back and i could see stuff. It's weird because I feel like it was a dream that triggered it. It was unpleasant.

Hello friends, today I die.
Did you see something clearly or only shadows?

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It was a pitch black figure looking over me. The bed also felt shaking. I don't even know if it was paralysis or a dream but it was vivid.

Henlo med
George Floyd's ghost paid you a visit

He gave fentanyl to my bed?

>in the past I've always been facing the wall and only felt a presence looming over me from behind

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Watched women's pole vault, there was a cute German black qveen

This one time in my head at the time it was supposed to be my sister.

what about the hammer girls, fren?

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ngl that experience sounds so scary desu.

Why are throwers always so fat ?

are they tho? that's what the peak female (female) body looks like.

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Mass moves mass


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The dream was rather strange too. Basically I was at school and there was a group of students plotting to do something and they had to go distract a guy or something
of the sort and I tagged along. Then somehow this situation turned into some DND shit because apparently I was some angel and there was this girl who was a witch I think.
I playfully mocked her powers and she did not take it well at all. Then it switched to the paralysis or whatever it was. I was laying on my back on the bed, with the thing (her?)
beside me and the bed shaking. I remember my arm flailing upward as if I'm trying to hit it but I don't know if I did that before waking up at the point of "breaking free" or after.
And I swear I could still see things in my room until I turned the lamp on.

Funnily enough the guy is an actual guy my age from my town who the last time I've seen him was many, many years ago. We weren't even friends or anything.

morning frens I'm back in the cage after 2 weeks of covid and I'm already tired of it

What happens when a local Spanish person walks into an English café? Is it like when a white man walks into a shisha bar in London?

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Me on my way to avenge the Kordin temples.

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inshallah brother

Please be careful swinging that warhammer around around Stonehenge, it's a very valuable and culturally significant Mediterranean heritage site.

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Mordhau looks comfy.

It's an axe.
No, it's Chiv II.