"Some Americans wondered if we should even be at war with Germany, many of us had German heritage, blood...

>"Some Americans wondered if we should even be at war with Germany, many of us had German heritage, blood. But there's one thing every single American agreed upon, and that is Japan deserved to be at the bottom of the ocean, first engulfed in hellfire, then sunk by God himself."

>"Let every Japanese soldier first be tortured, then executed. Never the other way round."

~ Eugene Sledge

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if you don't understand why everyone in the pacific felt this way you haven't studied world war 2 enough. fuck japan

The German towna that tore dowm their German heritage, and rash of name changing to hide their germanic heritage says otherwise about the widespread attitudes of the time. There's a reason you can't find German culture to enjoy in America despite the amount of people with that heritage.

his book is pretty based

To anons in this thread, look up the rape of Nanking. Weebs absolutely BTFO

There’s a connection between Americans Europeans. No WW2 American soldier could ever look at a Jap and go
>gee, this slant eyed oriental could be my brother. I’m sure we have things in common

Asian here, this is racist.

It also didn't help japs basically acted like monkees and ate allied POWs brains right out of the skull

Can confirm. My great grandparents changed their last names because of it.
Hell, my mom was told a few years ago not to use her maiden name because it's so German and the doctors she was contracted to work for were conservative jews. Germans still get shit to this day. No one cares about japs anymore. They're just known as that strange asian country with all the cartoons and weird porn.

The Pacific didn't really capture the feeling that BoB or Generation Kill had. Idk what they were thinking but the story felt all over the place

The Chinese could've nuked the japs 10 times and it wouldn't have equaled what happened to them

Not only were 2 nukes not enough, 200 wouldn't have been enough

The Chinese deserved it. They still do. Bugs, all of them.

nah you can get fucked. they weren't even communists by that time. guiltless. fucking disgusting war crimes

Okay, Chang.

Blindfold yourself with this if you don't want to see it

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People care greatly about the Japanese. The way you describe Germans and Germany happened/happens with the Japanese as well, I assure you.

The only good thing Japan did was kill chinks

The Chinese more than deserved it, MacArthur shouldn't have just been given the go ahead, but encouraged to end their asian hegemony right then and there.

They would nuke themselves on accident

I read his book and it was really good, The Pacific should've just been his story instead of those wasted episodes with that cuck Leckie

And then they were pardoned and given jobs. America, fuck yeah!

Japan is the warrior class of Asia. America is a liberal convulsion. Can’t wait until it goes up in flames.

>guns down a civilian for sport
>tears a fetus out of a womans stomach and eats it raw
>decapitates pows for fun
>shoots anyone who looks vaguely white
>has organized raping competitions
>literally lived in a muddhut back home
>spends half the war eating cold rice in a cave
You americans are uncivilized savages!

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>another can't follow a narrative brainlet

>warrior class of asians gets BTFO by liberal convulsion America
kek draw some more cartoons about it bruh

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MacArthur was a dumbass. He let the commies take the country and were still dealing with the repercussions today.

This series betrayed its source material in classic Spielberg fashion. The book was much bleaker and unrelenting. The Pacific was just too shmaltzy.

Attached: MacArthur.png (640x835, 489.84K)

Every shitty political meme is like this, seems like this is some government shit

Unit 731 isn't real, it was just a lumber camp with a series of unfortunate and totally coincidental accidents involving explosions and bayonets. They even tried to save the victims but didn't have anesthetic so had to operate without it. Trust me bro

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