What was the last alcoholic beverage you've had?

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I'm 29 and never drank alcohol

why is the magazine like that?

She’s too brown
Also lemonade Galliano

Probably champagne


Omg who is she and where can I meet girls like her


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Mai tai


Some warm Croatian shot. Slibowitz I think was the name. Very good stuff


I've been drinking 3 miller lites everyday and a glass of bourbon at night after isha prayer

I don't care about the gun. But why is she wearing a flipflop in a bar?
Here in Brazil, some places will not let you in wearing a flip flop.

americans have prayer for getting drunk?
chudzil should relax and stop being tryhard with the dress code

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a shot of rum, 10 minutes ago

1 l of vodka, then things happened and i decided i wanna try to kick it completely (i have done it before)
the problem is, i am considerably worse off than the last time i tried
how do you not give into the drink to drown your anxiety when you're completely alone and no one is here to help anymore?

Women shouldn't be in military.

just drink to stop it until you can find a doctor who will help you out, they'll give you meds to get you through the first two days and shit. then it gets better
i have to quit too

have you gone through that before?

Sofiero, which I'm drinking literally rn

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Probably vodka or beer. I haven't drank in years, medical issues caught up with me and I haven't dared pick up the habit again.

yeah and don't do it either, i thought i could after things had gotten better and i would be able to control it but it turns out i couldn't and now i am back in this cycle and desperately looking for ways to break it again