For some reason firsties believe that there is some kind of kinship within the poor inhabitants of argentina and the...

For some reason firsties believe that there is some kind of kinship within the poor inhabitants of argentina and the mid-high class ones.

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stop exploiting the poor brown people, whitey

i didnt really have an opinion about it but this post just led me to believe it wouldnt be unusual

damn Argentina really is just Australia that never made it because of med compulsive self destruction

No, but is curious how sometimes you firsties name poverty in argentina as if i was suposed to feel bad about it.
I hate our villeros (favellados) more than anything you'll ever manage to understand and i feel less empathy for them that you do for syrians

For some reason argies think anyone gives a twiddly fuck about their socioeconomics

imagine thinking suffering is even a possibility when you live in such a joyous nation that people literally dance through the streets...

Attached: Buenos dancers.jpg (5120x3413, 2.91M)

People avoids getting out past 9 pm because they get robbed and headshotted.

I’ve never thought about Argentina except for they fabled big forehead German hybrids

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why would they? pretty sure same system exists there, as it does here

>big head = bad

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No clue, iw as thinking abiut doing the analogy of turks and kurds to compare it.

Thank fuck were not completely full of wogs

They do It when argentina is playing a soccer game

you have actually good reasons for it since they flooded your country 20 y/ago only to live on gibs and behave like niggers.

I guess, the old lady that lives 2 streets from my house got her house occupied by a family of paraguayans (nationalized) with fake papers and she can't kick them because they have children and the government protects them. So her daughter got her only property robbed in 1 day and thats it, now she probably pays taxes that will go on gibs for the children and wife of this guy

Its a really magical place

> believing an Argentinean

they only have like three or four cities that have some euro bullshit heritage, the rest is pure amerindian

Those three or four also got 99% of argentinian population

>whitout ever mentioning race he already knows favellas = indios

Umm proving a point yourself?

Firsties believe all brown people are held together by some sort of honour code or friendship pact and call it BIPOC solidarity

Nigga fuck them browns

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not, probably 5 or 10 millions, 47 millions total population, pic related

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This website has led me to hate everything and everyone; I wish I wasn't so addicted to browsing it. Also, I refuse to believe Argies as well the rest of the other flags are so shit in real life as they're here.

>salta, jujuy y perifericos
Down here we call them bolitas