Conquers an entire civilization of 50 million with 800 men

>conquers an entire civilization of 50 million with 800 men

how did they do it?

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looks like me
my ancestor :)


the most powerful ally of EVROPA: The Smallpox


i kneel

The Top10% Spaniards are the best specimens in the world: absolute good combination of braveness, intelligence, nobleness and fearless.

This has been proven for 3000 years. Even Polibio or the romans wrote about how incredible fearless and warlike were most natives. Just a few notes: it took 22 years and all Roman power just to defeat 1 Spanish tribe (the cantabrians). All Gaul was defeated in 8 years (yes, Asterix). Do you know amy other country that fought during 50generations to remove and clean the country from 2 races? No one. The Conquista de America has been the biggest task (and most relevant) on human History. And not even taling about the Tercios, Almogavares, Blue Division, peasants defeating Napoleon, and a lot more

the "civilization" wasnt united
you can compare them to nomadic mercenaries who first razed and pillaged the enemies land then on their way back their "masters" land

Through a combination of strategy by making alliances with locals and also through opportunism by taking advantage of the political, religious and social context of the land and even the biological context (a series of epidemics that killed the locals), it's not luck, luck is for the fools and only smart people can take advantage of any opportunity if they notice them at all. The technological aspect also played a role but i think it wasn't as important as the other factors I mentioned.

divide and conquer

The Aztecs were the most powerful Empire in America oppresing all other tribes. No division. In fqct Spaniards were divided and Cortes had to defeat other group of Spaniards to continue.

Also Cortes had to defeat txacalans in 3 bqttles before txacqlqns decided to unite with Spaniards.

So it was not just alliance. There was no alliance until txacalans were defeated in 3 cruenty battles.

Nunca se nos perdonara lo que fuimos.
Mundo de envidiosos y pusilanimes.

>800 men
they convinced other tribes to follow them and help in overthrowing the aztecs, after the aztecs fell it was just a matter of pitying the tribes against each other and subjugating anyone that tried to confront them

>they convinced other tribes to follow them and help in overthrowing the aztecs, after the aztecs fell it was just a matter of pitying the tribes against each other and subjugating anyone that tried to confront them

this just makes it more amazing. how did they manage this geopolitical achievement while hardly knowing their languages or culture

aztecs were dickheads to other tribes

Power of ctholicism
Jesuits learned their languge nd thaught tem spanish


Highly exagerated figures

unfortunately the other 90% is totally cringe soycuck bald fatties.

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everyone hates aztecs, mayans and incas

They allied with the surrounding polities who had had enough of the Aztecs