Why do white people worship Asiatic features so much? Why do they want to be like us so much?

Why do white people worship Asiatic features so much? Why do they want to be like us so much?

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Asiatic people worship whites.

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Why do asians think the very europoid feature of deep set eyes somehow relate to having one eyelid?

He was Jewish though

Karl Marx was an Ashkenazi Turkic Semitic Khazar chad though.

Deep set eyes are what we call ugly, big round eyes with drooply eyelids. Sean's eye are hooded and his high cheekbones gives him uniquely Asiatic look.

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Asians have a shitty monolid fold that looks feminime

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these are perfectly attractive eyes though, and fwi they're called almond eyes

Most Western Asians don't have monolid

>nordic fold
is this real nordoids?


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wtf I'm nordick?

I have inbetween the angle and nose lid fold

no those are the prey eyes

Asian epicanthal fold is a nose fold, since they have very flat noses they tend to have no protusion in the palpebral fisures with respect to the nose and forehead. Which causes their eyes to look soft and regular while conected to the nose.
Also they have a monolid.

The cuy you posted has a protunding forehead and nose with recesion in the eyes, his eyes have a layer of skin straight above, in a angle of 90°, while asians have a almond like formation of the monolid.
They look nothing alike.

that's the mutt fold

>like us
roaches can never accept that they are ugly brown shitskins. first they LARP as huwhite and now as azn. Sad!

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D-D-Do we really?

Behold! The Asian Steppe.. *checks notes* brown fat manlet?

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whys the polack assblasted about poland? did some polish slut he like get taken by a turkish guy?

That image is too funny

Asians have range of eye folds other than monolids which some have a skin above their eyes. Malar bones of the guy I posted are located in close proximity to his eyes, giving him a unique Asiatic look in combination with his hooded eyes. You are very delusional if you think otherwise. His hooded eyes+high cheekbones combination is actually commonly found in Turanid+Pontid mixtures here.

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