Any Forumsernational Trade season

ITT we will trade countries between continents. Each continents will have 2 commissioner, who'll speak on behalf of its continent:

>For America, US and Brazilians posters
>For Europe, French and British posters
>For Asia, Russian and Japanese posters
>For Africa, Algerian and South African posters
>For Oceania, Australian and Neozelandese posters.

Every countries can ask for a trade, but only the commissioner countries will accept or refuse the propositions when one of their own is requested.

On behalf of Europe, i am Asking America a trade of Canada, for the Iberians (Spain and Portugal) Deal?

Attached: final_5e6764085d4b57.43391500.png (560x381, 33.1K)

>For Europe, French and British posters
Sorry chap we speak for ourselves. Brexit means brexit, now take your frog legs and hop along

>For Asia, Russian and Japanese posters
Well it's useless to invite us over isn't it?

Attached: 1654431139139.png (414x354, 26.15K)

only if you don't enforce islamig gommunism on us and we get to stay away from the BS US politics

What happens when I ask for the commisioners trade?
Cause I would like to trade Japan for England, one shitty island for another but at least now we have less racists

to a future commisioner: I propose Siberia, Central Asia and the Middle east for all of Europe

On behalf of Asia, i am Asking America a trade of Peru, for the Malaysia

i give brazil away
and i give the US away
actuallly, please cotnact the bogdanoffs, france, i wish this whole part of the planet was consumed in alien hellfire

>Every countries can ask for a trade, but only the commissioner countries will accept or refuse the propositions when one of their own is requested.
Which means you can ask for a trade, but only Japs and Ruskies can decide they who they trade for in exchange in Asian

>Snow + Sand for actual good cities and countries

Fuck no lmao, even the Brits would disagree on that one.

ok, siberia central asia middle east for scandinavia andthe med countries

Britain is its own continent, like Australia

i trade us for turkey
take it or leave it, filthy euro

That's a steal lmao, accept Nigel

Are you literally retarded, Siberia, central Asia and the middle East, paradise of literel black gold(oil) and another bajilions resoures for a few autistic snowniggas?????
Wtf are we gonna get out of Europe being here go back

iw as thinking we could use their nordic wealth and their med beaches


I'll give you the Finns, Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Balkans, Gayreeks and Iberieans.

sounds like a good deal, do i still need a commisioner?

We are ready to take their place as commissioners.

Ruskie or jap has to accept that

Is this some kind of byzantine EU simulator

are you going to update the map after each successful trade?

Good Idea, I might find a blank map and recolor it