Changs... IT IS OVER

Changs... IT IS OVER

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AND they will be younger.
Time to move those sweatshops in India.

There are anons on this board who are unironic non-supporters of the one child policy.

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That's assuming that the current birth rate will remain constant.

There is a reason China is like 10x wealthier than India and it aint population number. Nothing will change

Right, the Chinese birth rate will collapse as China collapses.

With luck 2 more weeks

5x *not 10

Himalayas are the tallest mountains/range in the world, and provide year round fresh water, which flow to neighbouring countries china and india. This allows for fertile regions that can feed many people, hence why india and china were naturally the most populous countries since even before rome.

How do I profit from this?

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buy land probably

Idk nothing's happened yet. It's like India superpower 2030

Open up a sweatshop

"Curried" porn trying to rival Blacked. Its honestly a million dollar idea We are the largest coomers on the planet and the target audience is 500+ million men

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if India is truly the next superpower to rise, there will be companies similar to tencent, alibaba, etc, that are in the making

invest in companies that have promising technology, and a good foundation

Invest in loo production

India and China was usually unified also while Europe was almost always divided into several countries.

The problem is that all the Indians who would make a business like that come here and end up working for silicon valley.

I'll watch as long as it's as kino as bollywood movies

How did India catch up so fast? I remember them being 300 million behind

They fuck a lot apparently

imagine the smell

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