Is Chicken Run worth watching?

Is Chicken Run worth watching?

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Yes. But only as an example of the propaganda that the meat industry feeds our children.

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It was really boring.

if chickens talked, i wouldnt eat them, probably.

The plasticine art style makes me
vomit. Even worse, it was cgi and not real plasticine.

Nobody asked you anything.

>local dairy factory that supplies products to my school sends agents to my school to tell my kids about the importance of drinking cow's milk
>Why is it so important to drink cow's milk, and not the milk of, say, dogs or cats, or Homo sapiens? This is probably because you make money on the sale of cow's milk, am I right? Are there any other animals besides humans who, after infancy, would need to drink milk nad this milk must also come from another spicies of animal?

damn, it is was fun in the school


i rape cowgirls so what

The flaw with your question is that you assume that if someone has ulterior motives they must be incorrect or even lying.
>Are there any other animals besides humans who, after infancy, would need to drink milk nad this milk must also come from another spicies of animal?
This is a false premise; something doesn't need to be necessary for it to be beneficial. Also, where else would we get the milk from? Goats perhaps, but there isn't enough human milk for people to drink.

no, they just broke her wings and put her like that.

Those chickens are up to something

your mom.
>something doesn't need to be necessary for it to be beneficial

Camel and goats milk are also popular, but cows have been bred to produce extremely high yields, so much so that they physically need to be milked

>Check it out! Cocktail!

Oh, now we are not talking about the necessity of the exploitation of animals, but about the benefits of this? Is meat industry really losing the argument that far? Haven't checked in a long time.

For you

I love drinking the milk of pubertal girls.

It's so obvious in all these "animal rescue" videos that YouTube sends me in recommendations. I have serious concerns about the mental health of the audience of such channels.

>damn, it is was fun in the school
should have had less fun and spent time learning english

Cows are just the best animal to produce milk with in many environments. Acreage to product is good, and cows can thrive in terrain that would would be difficult for (say) sheep. You were a contrarian little faggot and you don't know shit about farming or husbandry. But, of course, you didn't actually say that.

The tacit assumption of this post is that everyone that disagrees with you also agrees with each-other, or that they must disagree with you for similar reasons. Furthermore, your post assumes that everyone has a similar list of priorities in regards to the ethics of the meat industry. Someone may lead with an argument about the benefits because the question of animal exploitation never occurred to them. Ponder for a moment that the likely reason you consider animal exploitation to be the primary issue is because of the arguments you have been exposed to, and that someone else may have been exposed to an entirely different set of arguments.

Of greater importance is the fact the post you replied to is a response, and not an independent statement. It is commenting on the points raised in the previous post, therefore it does not necessarily reflect the priorities of the author. You make the statement "Oh, now we are not talking about the necessity of the exploitation of animals, but about the benefits of this?", clearly in response to some larger political context. I think it is important to understand that not everyone will be accustomed to that political milieu.