There’s only one solution to earth’s pollution

There’s only one solution to earth’s pollution.
It’s sort of a final solution

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That Rick and Morty porn game was hot

Is it good enough to be illegal in some countries

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The solution is humanity should be wiped of the planet by an Asteroid. Earth will be fine.

Search in f95 it's the only one (I think)

>psyop to turn zoomers into commie ecoterrorists
Resists and consume.

>Keeps attacking Jesus Christ while disingenuously coddling literally any other entity under the sun
what does dan harmon, the educator, the beacon and the keeper of high morality aka the creator of daryl, mean by this?

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you just reminded me of that one ecofash captain planet tumblr blog

because the west is both christian dominated and xenophobic
punching up vs punching down

i thought the point of the episode is that violence is not the answer to the climate crisis. violence is a seductive older woman who turns out to be a psycho bitch

>rick and marty when someone is a mass murdering genocidal rapist pedo

>rick and morty when a fascist exists

uh huh, so you agree that the displaced (via the MIC) should come be where you are and DEMAND that you accomodate their paganism while they consist on your tax dollars and terrorize your communitites, yes?

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>Morty turned down a cute ecofascist gf
He really is the dumbest person in the universe.

It really shows how crappy the writing is. Morty trying to control a genocidal do-gooder is a lot more interesting than him dumping a girl (despite seeing Rick do worse on a regular basis). Ideas should be allowed to grow and change into the best possible story. I'd rather see her again than the sperm monsters.

I liked this character. Alison Brie has a very cute voice. I hope they bring the character back.

You wrote oikophobic wrong.

What does jews have to do with earth pollution?


Nothing. The Old Testament is filled with positive references to nature and animal welfare; one of the proverbs even states that you can ultimately tell a good man from a bad by how they treat their animals. Jews also have a festival where they spend their entire time running around just to plant more trees - Tu BiShvat.

Despite all this, the far-right, together with a self-defeating, urban subset of contemporary Jewish society, are insistent that Jews hate nature and have always hated nature.

a lot of muslims left their country due to wars the west plays a big part in perpetuating, least we can do is treat them as humans when their orphaned children turn up on our borders.
the only difference between you and a muslim immigrant is socioeconomic context.
you are both homo sapiens. you would both be the same if you grew up in each others shoes.
peace and love. why is it so hard to understand?

>least we can do is treat them as humans when their orphaned children turn up on our borders.
The problem is that a significant number of these refugees aren't refugees; they aren't women and children in need of shelter. They're young men with expensive haircuts, iPhones, and so on. They're economic opportunists who adhere to a hostile ideology, who then refuse to integrate once they've been let in.

I didn't ask for any of those wars. I want them to stop. Let's destroy Israel together.

had to google this one, i think it means a dislike for a countries own culture? heres what i think about it:
the west isnt oikophobic, at least not as much as it is xenophobic. most countries in europe are pretty patriotic and have good reasons to be.
america is a different case though. its still fiercely patriotic but it doesn't have a lot of good reasons to be. being built on stolen land with stolen labour is a hard sell for a lot of people. i'd be interested to see what people answer to this: what good culture does the USA collectively have that it can be proud of?