Is this worth watching?

Is this worth watching?
I watched 10 mins seemed like a cheap soap opera.

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It's a lot longer, and not in a "stretched out" way, more like "filled out", so if you want more detail and lore you'll probably like it
But yes, the production values are quite low...
If you watch one episode a week, you might not notice the sets and backdrops being re-used so often.... maybe

It's pretty comfy. And you can watch it without waiting years for the rest to release (unless you're looking for an entire Dune series adaptation, which will never happen). Generally more faithful than Vilneuve's, but yes, a bit more on the theater side

Just watch Spicediver edit of Dune '84

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Yes, it's hundreds times better than the recent movie. Even though it's clearly a budget TV miniseries. Hollywood is dead.

No. The ONLY piece of dune media that is worth anything is the book. Not the series. Just Dune.

Contrarian nostalgia fag
They're not bad but come on.

>melange man bad

Retard, I didn't watch Dune '84 until AFTER DUNC. I'm nostalgic for nothing.

Oh you are just retarded then, fine.

Oh yeah well you're just dumb and stupid and gay so on a scale of 10-infinity how mad are you that I just won and basically you look like an asshole itt?


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>pretty tv sloots
Imagine being so hard up for poonani that you have to cast every slut that crosses your path in your tv show instead of casting an uggo that's right for the role

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Fuck no. Thufur lives in the final cut for a reason. I ain't going through that pain again.

>for a reason

Are you so pathetically bitter and ignorant that you think one of those actresses is Mapes?

No, I think they're 5/10 TV actresses who look like 5/10 TV actresses when they need actresses who fit the roles. Please don't try and argue that TV Dune 2000 is good. Just... don't.

If you want to watch the most faitfhul adaptation.

Ninth Village has neither the balls nor the artistic integrity to produce such a frame. He doesn't even have the courage to say Jihad out loud. Fucking rat.

>Contrarian nostalgia fag
Not if you know the story behind production. From Alejandro Jodorowsky to Ridley Scott. I understand that there is a considerable amount of footage not publicly available, which makes the project effectively lost media.

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yes ;_;

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I watched it in middle school after loving the books. I liked it so much I watched it three times in total. Best adaptation of Dune (haven't seen the shitskin Dunc version) which isn't saying much but I think it's definitely worth the watch. Baron Harkonnen comes off more whimsical than menacing because he talks in rhyme, but it's the announcer from Rome so he's still kino.

The scene where Irrulean was seducing I think Feyd to get information out of him(getting him drunk and then replacing herself with a handmaid lookalike to actually have sex with him) was very memorable because I watched it with my best mate back when we were 17 and it was winter and we were sharing a blanket to stay warm and his dad walked into the room, saw a naked girl on the screen, saw us both sharing a blanket on a couch together and then turned around, left without saying a word.

He thought we were secretly gay for five years until my mate got a wife and started pumping out babies.