Fucking stupid piece of fat shit boomer. Fucking die

Fucking stupid piece of fat shit boomer. Fucking die.

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i once met him on an airport

I hope he ripped your bunghole up in the mile high club

hes no richard clock

Matlock would have better as a sequel to Andy Griffith where he must study law and forensics to solve the murder of his son Opie


i thought he was the silent generation

Whats the andy griffith show?

OP is a mad Prosecutor that Matlock destroyed.

It's OK, bud. You'll win another case.

the last show on American TV that had 0 niggers

Not this again

Thanks for the reboot idea, sucker.

Reminder Don Knotts raped John Ritter

Not even a boomerY ZNCa

Begging your pardon? Hilarious if true, imagine the faces and noises Don Knott's made during the act.

It's Matlock. A show from like 30+ years ago. You know you could just not watch it instead of getting mad.

>Matlock would have better as a sequel to Andy Griffith where he must study law and forensics to solve the murder of his son Opie
It's 75 years later and Mayberry is now a methed-out, opiated, crater of a city because all the manufacturing has moved to China and the young, motivated people have moved to the cities.


>Opie get std

This show is in the 'only memories of show/movie is of being forced to watch while on a visit to the house of that grandparent that you don't really like because it was the only thing on at the time' category.

Matlock, Lawrence Welk, In The Heat of The Night, Perry Mason and so many others.

>In The Heat of The Night
That show was based

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Is that ol Ben Matlock? I saw him in an airport book shop.