Cast Vin

Cast Vin

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I head these books are basically video games with how the powers work

Yeah thats a Brandon Sanderson book in a nutshell

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Please...she really needs work

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Looks like shit

What does this mean? I was thinking about starting one of his books

Don't get me wrong, I liked the Mistborn series. Brandons good at creating characters as well. It's just he makes these magic systems for his books and describes them during fight scenes which makes it sound like a hack n slash video game.

Top Dollar from Crow is actually how I pictured the Lord Ruler

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They cast a black muslim as Vin and a White Male as Lord Ruler.

They retcon everything in book 2/3 that make Lord Ruler sympathetic/almost a good guy.

Books got gradually better. The first one was ass. My friend keeps pushing me to read the way of kings, but from what I've seen only 4 books out of 10 have been written.

>Thinking she'd be white
She'd be 100% mystery meat

His magic systems are all shit that you could pretty much translate 1 to 1 into a ttrpg. I remember reading he considers his magic systems "hard magic" and his characters treat those rules like you'd expect clever roll-players would at a table.

my roommate after college had these books and raved about them all the time and I read thru the first one and I'm sorry but it is a book for midwits. You have some interesting fantasy stuff but then theres constantly fight scenes that are just like a guy describing something that would happen in an action movie, its so droll. its seriously just like 'he did a flip over the guard and stabbed him and then before he landed he threw a dagger at a rope in the wall and it dropped a lantern on another guard and then he ran thru the door and sped up his arm with magic so he could punch another guard really hard' for pages on end. Not good.

Sigh. Too right. I posted what I'd do, not what would happen.

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There'll probably be some closure with book 5, which isn't far off.
It's already downhill, though. #3 was worse than 1 and 2, and #4 was pretty bad.

The good news is that Sanderson actually works on his books. Book 5 comes out next year but there's going to be a break so he can work on other series before picking it back up.

>Brandon Sanderson
I'm tired of that fucking hack and his shilling

He's a hack by author standards, he'd be the best screenwriter Hollywood has seen in twenty years

Only could get through half the book before abandoning it. Any nitwit could act as Vin. Not a lot of depth in that role.