Did Any Forums love this as much as Reddit did?

Did Any Forums love this as much as Reddit did?

Attached: you.jpg (800x399, 65.02K)

I remember I thought it was silly and creative but was off-put by friends caling it a masterpiece or somethi

I prefer This House Has People In It and Unedited Footage of a Bear.

No. I had no idea what this was when i saw some dorks fawning over it.

I don't know reddits exact opinion on it because I don't use it. Any Forums liked it a lot for like a week. Especially the first couple of days. I still find it entertaining.

No, hated it in fact.


the first half of Bear is one of my favorite videos, second half is weaker but still good.
that weird shot where the camera zooms in on the evil twin still creeps me out

And you know how the expression, "Too many cooks spoil the broth?" Well, call it, this was "too many crooks." Too many crooks! TOO MANY CROOKS! And that ED page is one of those crooks. Every page, every word on the discussion page, is a crook.

Attached: Take that Page DOWN NOW!.jpg (480x360, 17.31K)

Unaltered Footage of a Bear is better

Dunno about Reddit but there were a lot of fags spamming praise here


i like "Spaghetti Again" or whatever its called

to long

thhpii was kino af and no one cant deny the influence that have in later tv shows as The oa or Severance. Resnick is a genius

Kek I always think of this too. Yesterday my gf said "I'm workin' on it" and I had to resist quoting Chris.

I miss Classic Chris

It would've been funny if it was about half as long as it is. They drag it out worse than Doug Walker drags out his jokes.

Unedited Footage of a Bear is way better. This one runs out of gas after like 3 minutes but keeps going.

The Rape of Ivy is horror kino

I could never watch the whole thing. Too fucking stupid.

It was on the Stalin schema, quantity has a quality of its own.
If you're watching on Youtube, you can check out anytime you like.