Prove you’re not nostalgic

Name two (2) times you liked a reboot/soft reboot.

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total recal and the mummy for more serious approach rather than campy comedy tone of their previous iterations

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Batman Begins
Casino Royale

The Thing (1982)
The Fly (1986)

Solid answers. As to not just repeat this user, my alternative choices would be:
Halloween (2007)
Maniac (2012)

True Lies (1994)
Vanilla Sky (2001)

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Reboots are objectively bad, it's not nostalgia

True Grit (2011)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Fuck you I was gonna make this post.

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Reboots are better than sequels. They at least try to re-tell similar story in other way. Sequels are just cashgrabs to milk what already sells.

All zoomers should hang by the throat

Excellent taste

That was absolute kinography (without the ending I guess). Thought it might the special case, where the original is crap.

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Titanic (1997)

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I want a cylon Grace Park gf

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The Twilight Zone (1980's) does that count?

The Nutty Professor disagrees with you

Does Blade Runner 2049 count as a soft reboot?

No it's a sequel

Hey you stole my answers.

That Robocop with Michael Keaton was alright.

The last great mainstream comedies

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That's the opposite of not being nostalgic. There are people who force themselves to like nuwars simply because of their nostalgic love of star wars.

Bedazzled and... um... uh... Power Rangers was better than breakfast club