What was her fucking problem?

What was her fucking problem?

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She was a woman.

>Female character by modern writers

She rode the cock carousell.

Playing 5D chess

>ruined entire kingdom and its succession
>responsible for brothers turning on each other
>hates his firstborn son
>tries to fuck and manipulate his firstborn son
Definition of a woman. They are all sociopathic in nature.

She created a scenario where only the absolute strongest offspring could survive ,and so they did

Way too much plastic surgery

Unironically, could someone explain her last words to me? Why did she thank him and did she hate him or not? Did she actually want to fuck him because she's in love only with power or was it a ruse? I'm autistic.

>Why did she thank him
Because he killed her quickly. see it was all her being a woman. So a lying and cheating sack of shit.

Thank you. I just expected her to curse him one last time. But as the protagonist's father said: Don't try to understand women.

Hit the wall

This was the only deep character in the entire movie

You know what was also deep? Her cunt

I figured it was because he killed her in battle so she gets to go to Valholl. I'm sure holes aren't allowed there though so is probably correct

Why the fuck did they have to have the scene where she kissed her son? It made my skin crawl and I can't recommend this film to any normals or they'll think I'm a freak. Eggers, why.

Incestuouson here I cuddled and sucked mommies milkers to the movie

>>white women doing normal things
is this your waifu?
peckerwoods think they'll get their white nation with witches like her


Yeah femoids couldn't go to valhalla

I've read the words autistic and sneed on this board like a million times now can you guys please stop I'm going insane

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