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>New Arthur movie
No idea what this means, but no cunny, black main characters and no Jean Reno. No thank you.

Is this the French Stranger Things?

It's not even by Besson.

He's the writer

werent they for kids?

god French is such a disgusting language
And don't get me started on the people

I hope Arthur will get his ass destroyed by a huge male cock this time.

>no Jean Reno

OH non pas encore

Cool poster

>movie releases in... LE JUIN

As opposed to a female cock?

Females get cocks now, yes

Lmfaoo no way
yes but the kids who watched it grew up, like in the trailer

A lot of familiar tropes, but it could be enjoyable depending on the execution.

Did Besson write it, or is he just producing it, or what?

>This isn't king Arthur
>Close thread

he really is broke.

Didn't Arthur come out over a decade ago?

Why can’t French people scream correctly? They even scream in French

Jesus Christ I didn’t know the little bear fuck could get even more creepy.