/who/ Doctor Who General

Here's your new Doctor, bro


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More like Doctor NIGGER


the show is lost

>RTD hires his buck as the new doctor

Pretty based honestly.

So I wasn't far off when I predicted Ru Paul as the next Doctor,,,

Nothing wrong with them transforming into a black dude. Anybody who wants to cry about this fact doesn't know jack shit about Dr Who

>Russell will be the companion and shag the Doctor every episode

I just hate niggers.

Not racist, just don't like 'em.

>doctor who
more like, doctor poo

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Ru Paul is going to be the new Master.

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>I'm not racist
>Proceeds to be racist

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how can you be racist if races don't exist?

think about it

>this thread
>these numbers
man the nog really did kill all interest in this franchise didn't he

It's 8:00am

I wonder if this guy will suddenly get better scripts than the last bunch

Most likely with RTD at the helm. It'll still be woke (possible even more so) but the quality of the writing will still be better.

Race and racism was invented by White people. Before colonialism all non-white races lived in peace.

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I had to check again it seriously says >white people
Who ? which people are they ? if there's no races

>whypeepoo invented violence
>whypeepoo invented war
>whypeepoo invented slavery
No, I think you will just find they were better at it than all the rest, not that the rest didn't do those things to themselves

>"caucasian: most beautiful skull"
I dunno, you be the judge Chief, whose skull is human and whose is an evolutionary descendant? Trick question, both of these are "human races" according to dipshits like yourself.

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why does he have ballsacks on his chest

>"whites invented race so they could call themselves numba whon"
No, that's just a fact of history. I don't consider myself a supremacist but it's undeniable the modern world and all its wonderful inventions and discoveries were pioneered by whites.

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Proper Scottish lad he is innit

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Franchise hasn't had a breath of life in it since Capaldi took over. He was the death rattle, now we're observing the decomposition.
Every day this show isn't cancelled, my opinion of Britain as a whole slide further and further down.


They're already lost half of their viewerbase, guess they're doubling down and aiming for zero viewers by 2024

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here's your new doctor bro

Attached: ncutiWank.webm (1920x960, 789.33K)

They have to be taking the piss at this point

/who/ isn't a very active general.

Doctor Dindu

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>whypeepoo invented war
it's true, and they would do well to consider what this means in extension.

I guess that's why they call him shooty lmao

can this guy speak normal english or is the next doctor gonna have his strong nog accent?

I think this casting was inspired by the persistent calls by a subset of Whovians for Paterson Joseph to be cast as the Doctor, which started when he appeared as the Marquis in Niel Gaiman's Neverwhere (1996). Joseph was 32 at the time, now he's 57. Ncuti Gatwa is 29 and has strong Paterson Joseph energy. He even has the bleached hair that the Marquis had. Is that a coincidence or a clue?

This leads me to believe that the new Doctor will be heavily inspired by the Marquis, which would be quite awesome, as the Marquis was a very fun character. He's probably most like the Second Doctor, in that he's very devious and tricky, highly skilled at manipulating others into karmic retribution. I'd like to see a return to a Doctor who has a bit of gleeful darkness and takes some joy in watching the baddies get theirs.

I know Any Forums has to be upset because black man, but the return of RTD and this Marquis-signaling has me excited for NuWho after several years of not giving a shit.

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david tennant really was the undisputed best nu who.

It'll be Charles S. Dutton directly referencing the Black Preacher Master from the comics

I'll take it. Still better than a woman.

Illogical. Racism is bad.

Unironically, they could've chose better if they really wanted a black man as the Doctor. No doubt this little faggot "uses they/them pronouns"

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What was racist about it?

Doctor Who will always get at least 1.5 million viewers.

You know precisely why they did this, stop trying to gaslight people

If race isn't real then you can't be racist. It really is that simple

It's sad how /who/ has devolved to this. Remember when it was just fun memes about Pancakes? I don't.

1. There is no official canon.
2. Unless you can prove otherwise, the adjective "Last" is meant to mean "Last", as various other media propose, regarding the Time Wars.

Chibnall era is canon.
simple as.


He did actually refer to the doctor as they/them

I just remember that ZA IS NO LEADER.

>There is no official canon.
What's on-screen as a part of the show is canon. Children in Needs may be canon depending on if they make sense.
> the adjective "Last" is meant to mean "Last", as various other media propose, regarding the Time Wars.
And the first time war can be the last time war if there's only one.

1. There is no official canon.
2. Unless you can prove otherwise, the adjective "Last" is meant to mean "Last", as various other media propose, regarding the Time Wars.

>Those darn caucasians
Are they seriously giving this patronizing shit to kids? Do they want to create peace and tolerance by creating a common enemy in the whypipo? That seems fucked up

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Don't worry about it.

White people shouldn't have done so much bad shit if they wanted to not be despised by everyone.

Okay. Thanks, yid

>Every day this show isn't cancelled, my opinion of Britain as a whole slide further and further down
The power of the TV license. When you keep getting funded anyway you can just go ahead making garbage as long as you want, viewing figures don't matter

>There is no official canon.
What's on-screen as a part of the show is canon. Children in Needs may be canon depending on if they make sense.
> the adjective "Last" is meant to mean "Last", as various other media propose, regarding the Time Wars.
And the first time war can be the last time war if there's only one.

it's gonna be kino, fuck the babies that are mad about it

Nope no official canon, sorry user

it'll be laurence CHANEY

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The Doctor doing blackface? fucking based

i hope they do jimmy hendrix get up for ncuti

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I disagree.

Eldrad must live!

That's not a nigger, that's a nigel

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>racism was invented by white people
No shit? White people invented everything.

>Race and racism was invented by White people.
Define "white people"
>Before colonialism all non-white races lived in peace.
So never

>Race and racism was invented by White people
Obvious bait, but tribalism is hard coded into every human being and tribes all over the world have warred, enslaved, and genocided other groups for thousands of years.
Racism is merely another word for tribalism, and it’s something ingrained into our very biology, while whites aren’t allowed to tap into their tribal identity nonwhites are, and this oppression of their nature is what leads to “racist” incidents.

I wish people would stop using white people and eugenicists like they're interchangeable.

the doctor is a literal alien bro

why are anglos so self loathing

>blood libel
this is no different than the nazis and their protocols of zion bullshit

>they could've chose better
You know the actor has to say yes too right?


the only real problem with this casting is that ncuti will be a bit out of place in anything historical that is below the 1950's. That should be the one severe criticism cause itll break immersion in any historical stories

I don't care about his skin color but is he a good actor?
That's the only thing that actually matter.

Don't see why they can't just use a perception filter.

>meet the new doctor
>same as the old doctor

1. There is no official canon.
2. Unless you can prove otherwise, the adjective "Last" is meant to mean "Last", as various other media propose, regarding the Time Wars.


"If they make sense" is an arbitrary decision that varies for different humans, potentially, based on other ideas of canonicity. Therefore, your argument is lacking in validity.

What will hit actual outfit look like? What will his TARDIS look like?
I hope they give him a piratical look (like they were planning for 11) and the TARDIS is kinda janky and industrial like 9 and 10's one

>Anybody who wants to cry about this fact doesn't know jack shit about Dr Who
I've seen almost every episode and refuse to watch Shooty

These are the awards he's won

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I heard that doctor who is on bbc only. Is this true?


more like Witch Doctor

Clyde Langer

I'm more hopeful now.

That's incorrect. It's sometimes on Dave.

Fix that before it's too late.

>all from one shitty Netflix production

Attached: 1511134312922.png (490x720, 1.37M)

absolutely beautiful. 10m viewers guaranteed.

user, have hope. We will have:
>Baddass davies bringing good stories
>Someone that can act
>Dialogue that make sense
>A plot that someone with a brain thought about
>Maybe some returning actors like Donna.
Chibbs and the witch will be ignored forever as the taint that should not be named. We will have generals shitposting about the series again. The lore will make sense.
Dr. Who will be good again.

I think Donna and the fourteenth doctor would get along really well if you know what I'm talking about. Like based on partners in crime

"Dr. Who will be good again."

So many mistakes in this one line. Pathetic.

Shit story.

I hope he leaves RTD1 stuff completely alone desu.

is the sonic screwdriver the most effective bike theft tool ever
will the first episode be about traveling back to the dawn of 11 herbs and spices
will the alexa that controls the tardis understand what he means by olde english


it's a good netflix production

Heard it yesterday. You really are behind.