Sustaining the entire humanity

>sustaining the entire humanity
say thank you

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(Thank you)


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Thank you based walking bird of protein. I ate 6 of yours eggs and now I am going to eat you.

Thank you noble bird. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

The first ever domestication of chicken was come from SEA

Apparently they were originally domesticated for cockfighting, not food.

>chicken price go up
>country in shambles
kek, this country is a joke

yes so the ovulation of the wild chicken was timed for the blossoming of bamboo shoots as the bamboo in a forest all shed seeds at once the chicken can feed as much as it wants and start laying eggs

but human beings came and gave it all the seeds it can ever wish for so it lays eggs everyday, nature can only give so much, it is up to the early humans so figure out how it works

everyone knows
no one cares


I have devoured millions of eggs in my lifetime
thank you chicken

Thanks chook chook chook

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I kneel

Chicxulub survivor...I kneel...


I love chickens
They're so awesome

Best chickenburger is the chickenburger ts in mcdonalds

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nobody ever said otherwise

Thank you Thailand

People in Europe rarely ate chickens until the 1950s
Eating chicken then was like eating rabbit now

Idk i am vegetarian

says the street-shitting, piss-drinking, cow-worshipping, child-raping, shithole-living Indian man

We can agree to disagree until we each try the others first.

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