Why haven't you moved out of your parents' house yet in your country

Why haven't you moved out of your parents' house yet in your country

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I'm poor

because i'm a failure

i did 6yrs ago

i have, they live 5 mins away from me

free food.

I did so at 15. Wouldn't recommend.
t. 24 yrs old

Pls post your home or street view

I did. 7 years ago.

my mom is sick so i have to take care of her

But i have

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I did
it sucks, mom's cooking is godly

>my mom is sick so i have to take care of her
good son

I will after they die.

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I did. 8 years ago

taking care of mum
once she gets better, I told her I'm cutting off contact for the next 5 years and I'm leaving to carve my own fate

can't make it without roommates so might as well

Im too retarded to get a job


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I'm mentally ill therefore poor as fuck

At 15? Why?

Went to a boarding school in Switzerland, currently attending college here. I have been a continent away from my family for almost a decade now. Don't become international students, bros, you just become detached from people out of necessity/habit having to move from place to place all the time.