Are these the most Westernized countries in MENA? They all have low fertility rates

Are these the most Westernized countries in MENA? They all have low fertility rates

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what does westernized means in your book ?

>the Islamic Republic of Iran
Does it sound like a westernized country to you?

IIRC, Iran has the same proportion of people who say their religion is important to them as the US

Another stupid spic thread. We are Asians, not MENA.

I regularly see articles of the population rebelling against the mullahs so yes

There may be a minority of people who don't agree with their government's actions but Iran as a country is one of the most backwards in the world. Even Pakistan is ahead of them

yeah, because of their government
but OP's point about low fertility rates boils down to how secular the society is, countries where the population is devoutly religious have higher birth rates.
Iran is pretty secular on an individual basis, so it has a comparatively low birth rate

They've been living under sharia law for 43 years now. You can't call them westernized just because some women decide to protest the government.

I imagine those women took inspiration from Western feminist movements and would eventually want Iranian society to treat women more equally in the same patter of Western countries.

>Iran is pretty secular on an individual basis
Then why don't those secular masses rise up against their islamist oppressors? It's been 43 years since iran became a pisslamist hellhole and still no sign of regime change
Women will be severely punished and everything will go back to normal
Watch this movie if you wanna see true iran. Based on a true story

>Women will be severely punished and everything will go back to normal
They've been doing that and haven't stopped them

>Then why don't those secular masses rise up against their islamist oppressors?
You can't do anything in Iran without the IRGC knowing. If it was that simple to overthrow an oppressive government, every country would be essentially anarcho-capitalist.

not sure about morocco and i have no idea about middle east. Also i think we are not westernized we always were different from mena and we had an independant feminist movement since the 60s

>we had an independant feminist movement since the 60s
What makes you think they had no influence from Western feminist thought?

Because tunisia was never at any point of its history religious, our culture is matriarchal, we had women leaders before and during islamic time, women were never forced to change how they wear, even if u look at old pics u will never find anything that indicates religion

Why did you need a feminist movement then?

God that's such bullshit Carthage-larping, we wuz also matriarchal cuz Dihya lol who cares about the past 14 centuries of history.
And what is safsari.

>And what is safsari
>It is worn by women out of modesty to avoid male looks. In contemporary Tunisia, this cloth is mostly worn by senior women.
>Often a grandmother wears it while her daughter will not wear it.
>The cloth is today largely abandoned.

check out the different between tunisian and algerian safsari, tunisian safsari doesn't hide neither hair, nor face (sometimes they hide face with it) second of all safsari was a city people dress not countryside dress which is ur classical berber dress we call hrem or takhlila here.
Also can't care less about carthage, my region is in the west was never part of it and i find the carthage we wuzzers cringe and should go back to lebanon

Your map is inaccurate since Turkey & Azerbaijan are Asian countries.