Irish boys look like this??? WTF (what the fuck)

Irish boys look like this??? WTF (what the fuck)

Attached: 5e32500c2d53006d62cea.webm (1080x1512, 1.36M)

is it gay if i want to kiss him?

Kiss his todger?

Speak to me in English, please

Attached: 1.png (688x146, 7.62K)

is it gay?

Depends if you like it.


i would him(her)

Looks like every single Irish boy on Grindr

how would you know, pooftah?

i hope she has a cock

Please tell me thats a biological woman

I look it up she has a pussy luckly
OP stop playing with my sexuality please

It's literally woman


I'd fuck that and not question my sexuality even a single bit


That's a woman sir.

didnt knew you guys were into that kinda stuff, is it like a crime there?

yea figured

no we arent(usually) and yes its a crime and yes i dont give a shit

Someone paid for that video, yet they call us losers.