Does your country get along with its former colonies?

Does your country get along with its former colonies?

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I don't know. Do you guys like us?

not really

That Spaniard looks Chilean as fuck

These flags must be mixed up.

I love my british masters

until you remove that cuck stamp you are still a colony of theirs so you dont belong in this thread

With Ukraine and Lithuania - yes. With Belarus - good with people, bad with the state

its bait image

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It's shooped absolutely lmfao

fake asspain is brown

Mexicans are so handsome

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>until you remove that cuck stamp
its the opposite. the top left corner is the only good part of our flag. we should go back to the old days whe we knew our place

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better looking than brownspainians

Just think how insecure Latinxers must be to change such photos, literally no one in the world cares about your skin complexion

It’s mostly Chicanos (look at OP’s flag) corrupted by American race bullshit
The average Latin American doesn’t care much about Spaniards and viceversa

No, you are fat and ugly.

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You are a Basque nigger monkey cro-magnon
Kill yourself

Maybe it's due to millions of Chileans being ethnic Spaniards. That said I somewhat disagree, white Chileans tend to have faces like these, though I'm not sure I think it might be in my head, but these 3 are the best I could do, I think it's a cranial shape thing. I take a keen intrest in these things, I've seen too many Chileans posted here (like them) to know they don't look like the Argentine whites, or the Mexican ones for that matter. Phenotypes are a hobby

Spanish are often very attractive

He doesn’t look like a white Chilean, more like a mixed one to me. He definitely has that Andean face

Only foreigners think me

the mexican is cute. are they bfs?

Think that*
Freudian slip.

They do. They hate us but at the same time when they travel through europe or america they tell everyone they're spaniards out of shame or being a sudaca. The schrodinger's latino.

for sure, for sure.....

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No one does Basque nigger
I’ve met plenty of them and none hated me for being Spaniard

what will we receive from the US when we finally remove our so-called "cuck" stamp? more vitriol? not really worth the effort is it...

>i pass in spain cause spanish are brown like me

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We are brown but not Mexshit tier

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Fuck off Basque neanderthal

olmec af

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As if they would tell you to your face