Do people in your country like science?

Do people in your country like science?

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The James Webb telescope was such a waste of money.

>Gives away his money to single mothers and welfare qwaanz.

I fucking love science is mainstream THOUGH

What would you prefer it be spent on?

Tax deductions for the rich, obviously.

Walkable cities

This unironically

Prepping the BVLL.

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Why not cut some unnecessary military spending and have both?

How else will we kill for Israel, fellow white human?

Take your antisemitism somewhere else hitler

You chuds and your anti-semitism should be hunted down like dogs like we did with the Jan 6th insurrectionists.

oy vey, cool it with the antisemitic remarks

Antisemitic moment

Why do polchuds always have to bring up jews...


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Imagine how peaceful we would be without you guys

Better than consoooooom shit we get the other 99.99% of the time

It's insane how much taxes we pay to fund these ego-pojects for politicians.