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>serbia is full of idiots
Yeah, took you a while to figure it out

Such is the way of the thirdie and diaspora

Russia and China are annihilating the west while you seethe at small countries

reasonable and pragmantic rather than idealistic

This desu

literally nothing wrong with this
not wanting to migrate there doesnt mean you have to want them to die of starvation

We're just going to kill you people

oh yeah?
im just going to cut your head off and shit down your throat

kys fennoshit

Looks like you and Tuvans are indeed related people. Violent, useless and not able to achieve anything without guidance of a white/"white" man.

Nothing can be achieved with maggots like you around

russia is a frozen shithole why would any serb leave his balkan tropical paradise and move in here? twitter people are stupid. I like let's say peru but I don't want to live in a jungle surrounded by tiny brown people wearing silly hats

Oh, sorry, I forgot that contagious alcoholism is a thing.

finngol subhuman belongs in china getting raped

We have a youth council? What does it do?

People who are emigrating are pussies. Fix your shithole.

what are you doing to fix your shithole? doesn't seem to be working

I work as civil servant. Unironically.

Also I'd like to point out our IT administratives are in mess, and my job is to fix it. Imagine all your passwords to sensitive data is 123

Yeah, Russia is becoming North Korea and China is crashing in banking and housing.
West: OWNED.

I'm running out of dirt to eat and freezing to death, Russia please stop!

>balkan tropical paradise

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