No more brother wars

no more brother wars

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The EU was the greatest evil in the world this whole time

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Europeans are not capable of conducting their own affairs, time for a Russo-Usian grand campaign to conquer and restore order in the oldest world


This never happened because of Russia. If they stopped sucking China's cock and stopped opposing every single foreign policy decision the US made because they still LARP as a Cold War superpower the US probably would ignore Ukraine for realpolitik reasons and Russia could actually expand easily.

The most hilarious part of American retards supportive of RF is they literally think it's some sort of white Christian nation of people with traditional values hahhahaha

way better than unintedstatian or whatever slur of funky words latams normally use

no, more brother wars

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>avoiding saying "Russia" as if it was voldemort's name
This is a new level of faggotry

>as if it was voldemort's name

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Everyone knows what Harry Potter is don't be autistic

We have no ethnic connection to Russia, and letting something so dumb rule national interests is retarded.

>white Christian nation of people with traditional values
we aren't either.
but unlike Brazil it's a safer place to live. among other things. Brazil is just worse America.

I don’t get it
We’re not at war with Russia

No more brother wars. China is the real enemy.

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>Brazil is just worse America
no that's Canada,
Brazil is just bigger Colombia

Retarded amateur, realpolitik is the main reason USA helps Ukraine. Learn geopolitics and not some Any Forumstard talking points.


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imagine if Russia and USA agree on making the rest of the world their vassals

What are you fucking talking about? We say USA, UK but apparently RF (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) is "avoiding its name" like in da moooovies. Go consoom some more you utter spastic

literally no one says RF