War in Ukraine exposes Western defense gaps - Financial Times

War in Ukraine exposes Western defense gaps - Financial Times

Americans are amazed at how it happens that with Russia's $66 billion defense budget and NATO's $1.1 trillion defense budget, the West is running out of weapons and equipment to transfer to Ukraine, and Moscow continues the operation and grinds up all this untold military aid.

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i wouldnt worry about it
they will never crash directly because of nuclear weapons

Mass production != R&D
One gives you weapons to equip a army, the other nets you a slightly better rifle

NATO doctrine was to ramp up with advanced weapon systems, and pray mass production would happen in case of WW3.
And hope that the tech advancements is enough to offset the initial wave of less guns and artillery.

My only comment is that a lot of NATOs military complex is naive, which is breed from USSR foldiing.

uh huh

>Americans are amazed

No one who has a little knowledge about this is amazed, it wasn't a secret that Russia has thousands of old Soviet tanks stocked in warehouses, the only question was how many of them would be actually working and whether Russia already has modern weapons so it can conquer countries without zerg rush tactics (it can't)

Russia is only using old weapons.
The good shit will be used to roll over Europe

what a redtarded take

15 armatas and 30 Su-57?

All the good shit is saved for 9th may parades

NATO inventories are tiny outside of the US. And what they do have isn't suited for Ukraine or they arent willing to give it. For example, NATO barely has artillery while Russia has enough artillery to arm an entire alliance.

Amazing for far behind the ball you chimps are. OSINT loss figures debunked that retarded idea within the first two months. If anything R*ssia used an above-average percentage of its modern equipment (as compared to their share of the total inventory).

*Amazing how far

I mean Perun even made a whole video about it, detailing how idiotic this myth actually is:

>highest migration from Africa/Middle East to Europe on record due to starvation and inflation
>Euro dropping
>record high European inflation

Just $400B more donations to Ukraine!

at this point I don't even know whether thirdies are serious or not

Still sending Javelins.
Still sending Stingers.
Still sending HIMARS.

>the West is running out of weapons and equipment to transfer to Ukraine
kek what? We only sent like 7 shitter nu-tanks and a whopping 5000 helmets. There's plenty more we could do if we didn't have a russian-loving government

Western militaries are just money laundering schemes.

>russian-loving government
you mean government who wants to keep you an economic powerhouse

Insane how a continent that has worked to prevent war since WWII would not be ready for one.
Absolutely crazy.

Imagine if some retarded psycho monkey hadn't gone full dementia, we might never have needed artillery shells again.


War always brings out the stupidest opinions but this Brazilian guy's threads are something else.

He isn't trolling. It's gone on too long. He is schizo.