How pathetic you have to be to STILL being unable to take Gibraltar back?

Are they trolling of that incompetent?

Attached: Spain.png (1024x683, 53.75K)

Spain has an enclave in France and the Channel Islands are part of the UK



>Channel Islands
legally belongs to the heirs of the Duke of Normandy (Plantagenets), which today are the Windsors you retard. It has nothing to do with Normandie that was annexed by France/Valois and stripped away from Plantagenets for being faggots towards France.
You, on the other hand, have ZERO reason to not own Gibraltar.

We could unironically take it within an hour if we wanted and the bongs wouldn't be able to take it back. Thing is they might steal the canary islands in doing so, and we need those for tourist money.

who cares, we have Ceuta and Melilla

>take Gibraltar back
>get kicked from and BTFO'd by EU and NATO back to the stone age
>lose Gibraltar again and Canaries and Baleares while we're at it
>Morocco sees the chance, joins NATO against ebil spen and takes Ceuta and Melilla
Now what?

Best case scenario desu. Fuck Sp*niards

The only reason you have an enclave in France is because we annexed Northern Catalonia save for one village. How is that flattering?

Stop speaking Mexican to me. It's meaningless.

okay chicanoid

Woah there Mamadou, dont be so hateful, Im not sure the fr*nch want another terrorist attack

That Minorca and the rights to trade in West Indies were gifted by France to England after the War of Spanish Succesion, we could take Girbraltar in the aftermatch of the American Revolutionary War but France refused too, Moroccan subhuman.

Attached: 1494193592086.jpg (397x402, 68.51K)

It's in their DNA to respect law and treaties.
That is what made them the biggest,noble and most influential empire of modern history.

That’s the UK though

frenchs couldnt even get their country back

Your country is filled to the brim with niggers and moors, stfu

>It's in their DNA to respect law and treaties.
>That is what made them the biggest,noble and most influential empire of modern history.
are you sure you are speaking about spain?

Nuke Spain

rent free

yes sandnigger

No u

Attached: Pepe Canario Marruecos1.jpg (640x640, 192.48K)