DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2933

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:

Archive of older threads: Japanese Thread/

Translation requests, insults, politics, reddit posts, lust, learning method / eceleb discussions: Previous Thread:

Attached: 週刊少年マガジン 2022年30号 – 408.jpg (663x754, 184.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: あずまんが大王 第4巻 – 173.jpg (428x313, 27.56K)






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everybody's on /jp/



What is ていう? Google isn’t telling me but I think it’s similar to と言う although I’m not sure.

Attached: EC2FC2D0-00D1-4279-8E58-448045B25AF0.jpg (900x782, 126.27K)


How TF does
> 一人目は男の子です。
translate to
>My first child is a boy.

Japanese doesn't translate to english. Forget about it.

did you even read tae kim or anything else?

No. I've been at this for barely a month, with most of that time spent on Rishuu. I don't have a lot of opportunities for practice so I've only memorized the kana (both reading and writing) and a couple hundred words so far. That sentence was from one of the usage examples. Still not sure when to go where next. Tae Kim's grammar guide thingy gets recommended everywhere so I guess I'll check that out.

What about that AJATT thing that gets spammed in the other thread?

I get that much but still, this seems crazy vague for such a specific statement. Is it like an idiom or something and not used in any other way? 'Cause if I looked at that and was asked to translate it I'd be at a loss given how vague it is.


>What about that AJATT
I don't know about that, just follow the guide in the op

I've got that already bookmarked.

That whole All Japanese All The Time immersion thing seems like an interesting approach though. Not quite sure about the "don't practice outputting a.k.a. speaking/writing Japanese until you're basically able to understand everything you hear/see" aspect although the reasoning for that makes sense to some extent.