What do you think about the poster above you's country?

Attached: 'zillian on the 'log.png (1080x1034, 968.75K)

Idk, but I have some olive oil in my pantry that is Spanish and it's pretty nice. Thanks for the oil, I guess :D

penile colony

Tea drinker and oppressor of the Indian culture.

Gibraltar is British

if gibmedat was a country

Good food and ugly women.

pedophilia culture

pedophilia culture

pedophilia culture

based culture

pedophilia culture

scummiest people i've ever met

Whitest country on earth

Why, concha de tu hermana?

Most overrated country on Earth

dragon ball





Interesting ancient philosophy
Argntina confirmed white

me ancestors :)

I love Spain and I hope I will have Franco-Spanisch babies (sexo)

Cute brown girls

Unironical pedophiles

the only euro country i have friends from, i like brits

if america's greatest problem is race, japan's greatest problem is greed.

>watch jav porn
>middle of the vid a fat balding guy who's clearly the producer barges into the room, grabs the girl, pumps her for 2 mins, creampies her with no fanfare at all and leaves
>you can see the girl going to her happy place with visible disgust
>dozens of vids that are just jap sleazebags sweet talking slum girls into porn

>download blu-ray rip of an old anime
>it's just upscaled from a shitty rip

>watch new anime
>they ran out of corners to cut so they just cut at the animation fundamentals now

>literally anything about japanese cops

>everyone plays dumb when shit like this gets made. 0 outrage, 0 anything.

every japanese product I consume is ladden with some of the most degrading practices i've seen. And this is just what I can put to words, there's a lot of subtext I can clearly associate with that I feel but can't put to words because it's too uniquely Japanese.

I see. Thanks for your opinion, ArgenAnon. Metete esa opinión por el orto, forro.

sacate el proxy nene

Dónde coño ha aprendido el chino a hablar así?

I visited Spain twice now, most beautiful place I’ve ever been, Spaniards are great people