1000 AD is considered prehistoric in Finland history

>1000 AD is considered prehistoric in Finland history

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The maritime European exploration of Australia consisted of several waves of European seafarers who sailed the edges of the Australian continent. Dutch navigators were the first Europeans known to have explored and mapped the Australian coastline. The first documented encounter was that of Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon, in 1606. Dutch seafarers also visited the west and north coasts of the continent, as did French explorers.


multiple europeans edge australia before sliding in

and as usual, the dutch were the first edgers

Brit history is Aussie history

But Finnics have been living in Finland for multiple Millenia

a bit like my turd is a part of me

no if im not allowed to claim british heritage then neither are you or your big brother

based Finn btfo the convicts

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This thread made Fins mad. Weird

You gave it up, we didn't

Cope, you were throwing rocks at each other until the Swedes graciously civilised you, remember to thank them

throwing rocks atm not thanking anyone

lmao u mad


Their closest civilized relatives were becoming the Russians. Can you blame them for not wanting to follow their lead?

shut up burger

marmite s u c k

They could have become gopniks
Yet they barbarism and indulging in interracial catamite play?

Russia is a Finnish side project

I hate Finns so much

Ireland can fuck off

How does it feel knowing that the entire concept of finland was created by russia?

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pretty sure the swedes are the ones who discovered finland (they also discovered russia)

Any Finns know this band? One of my favourites

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feels like nothing. i dont see why it would matter.

What? Finns have been finns for eternity, like tens of thousands of years. Look up a video of uralic languages

is it true that finns invented the kebab

but finland's modern borders and name were given to it by imperial russia. During swedeish rule it was an integral part of the kingdom of sweden and was referred to as "eastern land". If it wasn't for russia modern finns would a small minority like the sami people.

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Close, turkey as an altaic language family member is a relative of finnish

>throwing rocks

Clearly you don't know what prehistoric means.