How's work going in your country

How's work going in your country

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Sitting the bathroom for an hour got leg locked

these excel files aren't gonna fill themselves hehe

Been on hiatus for a few weeks. I'm so board I can't wait to get back to my shitty factory job

I work for the state in a direction nobody cares about
I have way too much free time

>took yesterday off
>woke up at 09:00 today
>worked for a few hours
>lifted, went to the pool
>probably going to play some video games
WFH life is comfy

I do the absolute bare minimum but also never fail to deliver at least something decent. We keep restructuring teams and such so I keep getting raises and promotions becuse I have new supervisors who I can impress and charm in the short term. God forbid I get stuck in the same position for too long or they will probably catch onto my laziness and fire me.

9 day nationwide Holiday :)


Got my pay increased +10%

Friday is my last day, I don't know what I'm doing afterwards and I don't have any savings


remote work for some anglo security software company. needless to say, I don't suffer.

Inflation is like 8%

>10 hour toil in the meat production factory
I got a degree (languages lel) for this shit

13% pay rise and I’m constantly called a hero by news watching NPCs

I work 5:30h/day and make 2000€/month after taxes so I can't complain

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I'm on holiday
But I'm burned out of my code monkey job because I don't have friends or get pussy so I don't really see the point in working

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I sort of enjoy it, time moves fast.

Pretty shitty. I'm underpaid, overworked, and receive no respect. The union is betting on congress and the president taking our side and we're heading closer towards a strike. I don't like gambling with binding arbitration and would prefer they actually negotiate a good contract, but I feel like I've been stepped on so many times that it's simply not possible for either side to bargain honestly.

I have literally not worked a single day in my life