How were criminals and crime dealt with before police was invented?

How were criminals and crime dealt with before police was invented?

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that's what knights and city guards were for

Work for your vassal and pay protection money, and in turn he defends your shit against thugs and outlaws.

That depends on how you define police. Even "primitive" societies can have people whose job is to deal with crime; for example, the Lakota (a Native American tribe) were hunter-gatherers, but in their societies they had people known as akicita, who were effectively tribal police. These individuals were selected from the community on a rotating basis, so all Lakota men could serve as akicita at some point, and they were very powerful; there are records of akitica physically beating elders (who are highly respected in traditional Lakota society) because those elders did something that was illegal. In other words, a time "before police were invented" may not really exist.

they got raped to death

Public execution, lynching, guillotine, etc.

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La santa inquisición.

>knights and city guards
a bunch of drunktards
guess history is always the same

And who would go get them for punishment?

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Real life is not skyrim, most city guards were just old people who were no longer able to work in the fields, and knights didnt deal with criminals in a superhero manner.

So what is the answer?

In Europe it would have been the watch and petty criminals they'd get the stocks and shamed

Shame was a powerful deterrent in homogeneous societies

Mostly mob justice, or they were hunted down by mercenaries.

You should read discipline and punish. The evolution of modern police depends on the region but you have essentially and amalgamation of military units like the Gendarmerie, volunteer constables and royal appointees like sheriffs, really depends on the region and era

Public humilliation and/or execution

Back in the Iron Age (700 BC), Celtic criminals were dealt with by druids (who were basically priests, judges, and lawyers all wrapped into one)
Of course the punishment always outweighed the crime.
Throwing people into pits of sharp sticks is a brutal way to go.
Any history before then is prehistoric (aka not written down or on record)
I guess some of the weirder more modern methods were Tar and Feathering people
>insert pic from 1918

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People just organize themselves and whatever.

They were buck broken in a public setting

women ruin men