Most Americans are actually very nice people in real life

Most Americans are actually very nice people in real life

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (1200x632, 7.2K)

I'm sensitive and shy and have a hard to not being nice irl
But online I get very angry for some reason and call them niggers. Why is that?

you need more proofreading.

But why online do I get so angry and hateful? I'm not a hateful person irl

trannies making the same threads every day to start off-topic debates, because if they couldn't get (You)s from that they would tie the rope.

because Any Forums is a low trust high diversity anonymous shithole? but that's half of the appeal

I was once staying in a rented log cabin with my family in Colorado and our van got stuck in the snow. Our neighbor offered his help to unstuck our van using his truck, he was incredibly friendly, he even help us shovel some snow and gave us one of his snow shovels. All throughout small towns in Texas and Colorado I've encountered nothing but decent friendly people, way better than what you get here in Mexico desu. Not saying there aren't bad people there, just that you'll struggle to find too many of then unless you go looking from them.

Thank you! I can say as a mutt having lived in Christchurch and Dunners that most Kiwis are very nice people in real life as well!

im sensitive and shy but i actually hate everyone. ive developed an attitude where people just leave me alone beause people take advantage of my kindness every time

>muh online conditioning doesn't conform to real life
how many variations of this thread are we going to have?

>as a mutt
shut the fuck up, retard.


As an honorary bogan, and white trash of Asia, I would like to say that our posts online do not accurately represent our behaviour in person. We are actually much worse in person.

A lot of them are really nice but there is a sizable part who are just hypocrites and are extremely nice nice because it's the social norm
>American zoomer women

I lived in Jew Zealand for 18 months as an American and I would guess you haven't done so considering you're on a Mongolian sandwich weaving site. Alas, I'd recommend you shut the fuck up

Sorry user but Any Forums told me otherwise.

said no one ever

>extremely nice nice because it's the social norm
I doubt Americans of all people abide by social norms, that kind of politeness is mostly an asian thing

it's cringe as fuck when people adopt insults directed towards them. you deserve a bitch slap across the face because that's what you are.

Mutt, no need to worry user. Everyone's a mutt these days. I have white skin with blond hair and blue eyes. Yet I say mutt because my ancestral line is German, Irish, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian.

Granted, respectively Kiwis aren't of pure stock but their pedigrees are generally simpler than mine, hence why I say mutt.

you sound like a narcissist.

you sound like a shrink

you're a bitch trying to fit in with foreigners who make fun of you.

Theres nothing wrong with being a bit biodiverse. I'm a proud mutt myself (I'm mexican mixed with northern/central euro blood)