Bunch of countries pretending to be one

Bunch of countries pretending to be one

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It's mostly Bavaria and East Germany who are bitching around. Also fuck Berlin.

Big fan of Hessen and Thuringen, my favourite start area in EU4

even baden-württemberg shouldn't be unified

Attached: Suedweststaat.png (628x729, 20.8K)

half of those can't even function on their own and Köln is really the only city with prestige

if the meme tigers of the baltics can function on their own, then so can every german province.

>Köln is really the only city with prestige
what? Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich all have more prestige than Köln

Köln is the most respected city in Germany, maybe even Europe. All those others you listed are famous for trivial reasons such as football, rap, food, or parties

>tfw I know most of the German places thanks to EUIV

Köln is just known for its gay scene and small ass beer glasses.

The best way to learn geography

I ordered a beer there and the glass was quite big. Also delicious compared to the shitty beers I drink here.
>Köln is the most respected city in Germany, maybe even Europe
wtf, what are you saying. The average European doesn't even know Köln.

Is this the famous German humour?

walk into any Köln Komedyklub and you will collapse with laughter within 5 minutes

wtf there are tchechens next to germany??

>I ordered a beer there and the glass was quite big.
kölner stangen are mostly 0,2L big, compare to what bavarians drink it's quite small.


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that's less than the glasses i use to drink tea with kek

those three states are retarded tho
the historic internal border is pic related

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What are considered the most ghetto and worst cities in germany?

Crackfurt and Pozzlin