What's our diaspora like in your country? Do they act like decent human beings? (The answer is "Yes")

What's our diaspora like in your country? Do they act like decent human beings? (The answer is "Yes")

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loud, obnoxious, and incredibly arrogant

They don't live in the same part of France as I do. They usually are founded in Britanny, Normandy, Paris and South West.

Assimilated cucks with trash opinions. I wouldn't even call them of indian origin

Well the diaspora is fine it's just tourists who are garbage

this desu

Usually they are rich so they don't spend time with normal Italians

their same skin tone is similar to that of a boiled lobster most of the time. They are okay nearby Gibraltar, however in the Balearic Islands something goes off and they become drunk retards with an uncontrollable need of jumping out of a balcony

I want to facefuck her so much it's insane

Attached: 1651684633023.png (306x306, 72.86K)

What's her name? I forgot it.

Elizaveta podkorytova

British people are basically Australians who are negative and complain a lot


Arrogant retards that think Greece is how it was in the 80's, and also think they're better than natives because they were able to leave thanks to daddy's money.
They also want to have a say in the country's governing even though they dont plan to ever come outside of vacations. Most of them at least.

Our crime rate rose 1000% in just 15 years when we imported north africans and from prior colonies

Never mind I should read the OP next time.

at least you're able to larp as a humanitarian superpower after taking in the worst possible kind of refugees (m*slems)

introduced me to Peep Show, the Inbetweeners, and Brass Eye, so I rate them highly

No its was done to make rich factory owners even richer because mena retards get paid nothing. They try to tell us its done because the dutch dont want to work in those jobs anymore. No the factory owners dont want to pay a normal wage.

could've taken 'fugees that aren't a completely hostile and aggressive force to be reckoned with albeit

they say that in every country. funniest thing about it is that i always end up training the people who want to do the job that i apparently don't want to do.