Will they ever apologize for fucking up the world?

Will they ever apologize for fucking up the world?

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That's not the American flag

You should apologize for Olive Garden first

Please define what 'the world' is first



That's not the American Flag


Planet Earth, the third from the Sun


Attached: 1657411295696.png (1000x1000, 55.63K)

Russia and America belong there
China hasn’t done anything bad yet to anyone outside of their borders

shut up shitskin
bombing the shit out of your shithole was actually a good rhing though NIGGER

You mean satan empire USA? Russia is just taking its rightful place back and China will most certainly in 50 years be a multiplanetary nation. China grows stronger everyday that why they keeping they head lower they know when the dragon spread its wings nothing mankind has will stop it

every bomb on afghanistan means 10 more in switzerland
btw my family lives in switzerland

>what is covid

*10 more afghans in switzerland

China put the world into a never ending pandemic

we didnt fucked it up

it's as.. yknow... if people started imposing sanctions on oxygen, in fact

I’m not vaxxed, got the worst variant of covid and felt a little bit ill for literally 1 half day. Covid was just worldwide governmental overreach in action

Meaningless anecdote
A lot of people died, even youngsters, much more compared to usual seasonal flus

made the world a better place*

If Russia is oxygen than the sane part of the world is pure iron
You rot what’s good

>even youngster
post statistics of people under 50 dying.