Why is the education system in non-Nordic countries so terrible that people don't even learn the world language?

Why is the education system in non-Nordic countries so terrible that people don't even learn the world language?

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Qué tal te va con el español, Eirik?

Swedish lol wtf

What is going on in Sweden?

Finland's prehistoric age ended like 50 years ago and they still speak Finnish AND English, while French people have no sense of identity so they forgot their dialects and are still too retarded to learn English, despite French being so close compared to Finnish
tres bueno mi amici

Doctors of engineering and rocket surgeons from somalia and pakistan and other countries of middle east and north Africa.

l'inglese non serve a niente

why the fuck would anyone learn spanish in europe

excuse me?

Engels is voor transseksuelen en homo's.


KEBAP remover has absolute wisdom as always. Will the doctors and rocket scientists get us to space when they learn tikkle language??????? Why don't they learn based Serbian????? Serbia don't go to space to remove moon kebaps?????

sweden is so irrelevant that noone even cares

It's terrifying.

just sign up for langusge classes like a non thirdie

m8 I think we're the only country which celebrates winning a battle against swedes


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lol at these americanised countries learning spanish
what for?

Don't know about the Nordic countries but Britbongs have an unhealthy obsession over Spain and are always desperate to go on summer holiday there

because it's easy to learn and far more useful and pretty than the likes of French or German

The only battles I can remember be celebrated are the Ice Battle and Borodino.

Because we are OBSESSED and we wanna talk to hot mamacitas.


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