Are you having fun?

Are you having fun?

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you're not allowed to have fun in canada. unless you're just pretending to have fun out of spite.

No. Happy?

Yeah. I was pretty bummed out earlier but now I feel ok. Are you having fun?

Good paramore song!

No. Life is unironically mostly hell right now

I have the heater on even though its 23°C because I enjoy sweating and we aren't as based as finland to have personal saunas in your residence yet

It is fun

i am going to get beer, then I will

Drinking by myself in my room, yet again

yes actually. thanks for asking
no. why?
don't you have fun at hockey games?

People here hate me because I dont hiding my controversial thoughts about some topics

you are the most popular poster on Any Forums though

he didn't ask you, he was asking me

You snitch on everyone

I'm not Shahar

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Indonesia is a seamonkey shithole sinking into the earth

You fucking retard I've never snitched on anyone. Its me who getting banned over and over for nothing.

shahar is gone for all eternity you inherited his throne

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didn't ask

>don't you have fun at hockey games?
no. canadians never have fun. again, unless they're just pretending to have fun in order to spite someone or make other people jealous. inside we are just seething with anger and hate.

Well..this is awkward