Americans unironically live in places like this

>Americans unironically live in places like this

Attached: Typical amerishart town.png (1024x680, 1.5M)

No, these are effectively commercial districts. No one lives here.


I live in one of those apprarments

now that is a cope

How is that guy walking not arrested

Those drivers should be armed with ar-15s so we don't have to waste taxpayer money on police dealing with cases like him.

How is it a cope? We’ve all seen these are basically highways. A mile of fast food restaurants, gas stations, strip malls. These are not places people live.

it is so fucking retard to detach commercial and residential districts. the commercial districts turn into a ghost town at night and you need to drive miles and miles to buy even the most basic necessities.

I agree, he's committed the worst crime of all in America: walking.

W-wait. America literally looks like that?

Attached: imagem_2022-07-09_231948352.png (600x493, 244.24K)

Idk if commercial district is the right word but these places are always open since they’re like Wal Marts, McDonalds, and gas stations.

Yeah we have the same here. There'll be this one part of town where it's just a stretch of car dealerships, fast food, hardware stores, trade equipment etc so it's all quickly and easily accessible for workers in certain industries.

Due to the neckfat distribution of Americans they cannot turn their heads 90 degrees in either direction. He's basically invisible to them.

this place looks so hot

I ironically live in places like that

Is that Tijuana?

if you are curious about how americans think germans live, there is a place near to my house called the Amana Colonies that i went to again today. it's supposed to be an authentic german village. it's pretty cute.

Attached: Untitled.png (437x574, 21.12K)

Attached: european seeth.png (1347x1008, 1.78M)

No fences? Everything looks sterile, yet cheap.

Attached: Sotrue.jpg (1080x886, 271.59K)